Listagem Endless Tower MVPs e Miniboss – 06/04 ~ 12/04 – Server Global
Torre sem Fim – Todos os servidores com o mesmo digito final irão conter os mesmos MVPs/Miniboss. Ex: BR21 contem os mesmos monstros que os canais NA31, LA1, CH21, OC11, IN31.
Uma nova funcionalidade adicionada no Episódio 5.0 é o NPC Menestrel. Ele aparece andar 100 da Torre após matar os monstros do local, inclusive os MVPs. Ele é responsavel por invocar um Revenant Boss aleatório. Esse tipo de chefe possui prêmios exclusivos. Clique aqui para saber mais sobre essa atualização!
Todos os Servidores resetam na Segunda-feira, as 08:00h (Horário de Brasília), sendo assim, essa listagem so é válida até as 07:59h desse dia.
Canais Final 1 ao 5
Andar | Canal 1 | Canal 2 | Canal 3 | Canal 4 | Canal 5 |
3 | Vocal | Toad | Ghostring | Basilisk | Basilisk |
6 | Eclipse | Eclipse | Vocal | Ghostring | Rotar Zairo |
10 | Miss Tahnee | Golden Thief Bug | Deviling | Deviling | Golden Thief Bug |
13 | Dragon Fly | Rotar Zairo | Dragon Fly | Toad | Smokie |
16 | Rotar Zairo | Toad | Eclipse | Basilisk | Eclipse |
20 | Deviling | Golden Thief Bug | Deviling | Golden Thief Bug | Golden Thief Bug |
23 | Toad | Eclipse | Rotar Zairo | Dragon Fly | Vocal |
26 | Smokie | Vagabond Wolf | Anubis | Smokie | Ghostring |
30 | Mistress | Phreeoni | Strouf | Phreeoni | Phreeoni |
33 | Vagabond Wolf | Rotar Zairo | Gryphon | Toad | Vagabond Wolf |
36 | Rotar Zairo | Anubis | Rotar Zairo | Gryphon | Gryphon |
40 | Maya | Maya | Goblin Leader | Maya | Phreeoni |
Anubis | Toad | Dragon Fly | Toad | Toad |
Dragon Fly | Vagabond Wolf | Vagabond Wolf | Rotar Zairo | Dragon Fly | |
Dragon Fly | Rotar Zairo | Anubis | Anubis | Dragon Fly |
Dragon Fly | Rotar Zairo | Vagabond Wolf | Toad | Anubis | |
Atroce | Osiris | Osiris | Orc Hero | Orc Hero |
Orc Hero | Osiris | Osiris | Osiris | Osiris | |
Jakk | Mutant Dragon | Hyegun | Anubis | Anubis |
Jakk | Anubis | Gryphon | Vagabond Wolf | Hyegun | |
Hyegun | Anubis | Mutant Dragon | Gryphon | Gryphon |
Anubis | Vagabond Wolf | Orc Baby | Mutant Dragon | Anubis | |
Atroce | Atroce | Moonlight Flower | Moonlight Flower | Orc Hero |
Kobold Leader | Eddga | Orc Hero | Moonlight Flower | Orc Hero | |
Mastering | Hyegun | Jakk | Jakk | Jakk |
Mastering | Jakk | Mastering | Jakk | Jakk | |
Jakk | Mastering | Hyegun | Hyegun | Orc Baby |
Mastering | Mastering | Wood Goblin | Mastering | Hyegun | |
Kobold Leader | Doppelganger | Detarderous | Kobold Leader | Atroce |
Orc Lord | Kobold Leader | Orc Hero | Orc Hero | Detarderous | |
Wood Goblin | Owl Duke | Wood Goblin | Mysteltainn | Mastering |
Dark Illusion | Mutant Dragon | Mastering | Rafflesia | Mysteltainn | |
Alice | Alice | Zherlthsh | Jakk | Orc Baby | |
Orc Baby | Orc Baby | Wood Goblin | Dark Illusion | Orc Baby |
Wood Goblin | Clock Tower Manager | Jakk | Jakk | Dark Illusion | |
Hyegun | Mysteltainn | Dark Illusion | Wood Goblin | Mastering | |
Detarderous | Baphomet | Spashire | Bloody Knight | Garm |
Orc Lord | Bloody Murderer | Time Holder | Dark Lord | Time Holder | |
Rafflesia | Clock | Fire Witch | Clock | Clock |
Clock Tower Manager | Clock Tower Manager | Loli Ruri | Zherlthsh | Mysteltainn | |
Clock Tower Manager | Owl Duke | Owl Duke | Dark Illusion | Flute Player | |
Loli Ruri | Loli Ruri | Flute Player | Owl Duke | Mysteltainn |
Mastering | Mysteltainn | Rafflesia | Chepet | Flute Player | |
Zherlthsh | Zherlthsh | Owl Duke | Fire Witch | Clock | |
Orc Lord | Detarderous | Detarderous | Baphomet | Detarderous |
Lord of Death | Devine | Wolf Grandma | Ktullanux | Garm | |
Rafflesia | Mysteltainn | Galion | Zherlthsh | Galion |
Fallen Bishop | Alice | Fallen Bishop | Dark Illusion | Cenia | |
Loli Ruri | Fire Witch | Chepet | Clock | Loli Ruri | |
Gazeti | Cenia | Deje | Flute Player | Zherlthsh | |
Galion | Rafflesia | Loli Ruri | Loli Ruri | Cenia |
Mysteltainn | Fire Witch | Owl Duke | Alice | Mysteltainn | |
Gazeti | Clock Tower Manager | Clock Tower Manager | Mysteltainn | Dark Illusion | |
Fire Witch | Deje | Clock Tower Manager | Alice | Flute Player | |
Eremes | Arc Angeling | Wolf Grandma | Arc Angeling | Arc Angeling |
Firelord Kaho | Katerina | Spashire | Bloody Knight | Ktullanux | |
Spashire | Ktullanux | Katerina | Eremes | Time Holder |
Canais Final 6 ao 0
Andar | Canal 6 | Canal 7 | Canal 8 | Canal 9 | Canal 0 |
3 | Eclipse | Ghostring | Ghostring | Vocal | Smokie |
6 | Vocal | Basilisk | Toad | Ghostring | Toad |
10 | Deviling | Angeling | Golden Thief Bug | Deviling | Angeling |
13 | Ghostring | Ghostring | Rotar Zairo | Eclipse | Basilisk |
16 | Vocal | Dragon Fly | Eclipse | Rotar Zairo | Vocal |
20 | Angeling | Deviling | Deviling | Miss Tahnee | Miss Tahnee |
23 | Rotar Zairo | Smokie | Vocal | Vocal | Vocal |
26 | Toad | Vocal | Toad | Rotar Zairo | Gryphon |
30 | Phreeoni | Strouf | Strouf | Goblin Leader | Maya |
33 | Dragon Fly | Dragon Fly | Vagabond Wolf | Dragon Fly | Anubis |
36 | Anubis | Gryphon | Dragon Fly | Toad | Rotar Zairo |
40 | Maya | Maya | Maya | Goblin Leader | Strouf |
43 | Dragon Fly | Anubis | Anubis | Gryphon | Rotar Zairo |
Gryphon | Anubis | Rotar Zairo | Vagabond Wolf | Vagabond Wolf | |
46 | Toad | Vagabond Wolf | Gryphon | Vagabond Wolf | Dragon Fly |
Gryphon | Anubis | Rotar Zairo | Dragon Fly | Toad | |
50 | Orc Hero | Atroce | Kobold Leader | Atroce | Kobold Leader |
Osiris | Atroce | Kobold Leader | Atroce | Osiris | |
53 | Anubis | Gryphon | Jakk | Mutant Dragon | Vagabond Wolf |
Hyegun | Jakk | Gryphon | Gryphon | Hyegun | |
56 | Vagabond Wolf | Vagabond Wolf | Jakk | Orc Baby | Orc Baby |
Jakk | Mutant Dragon | Vagabond Wolf | Orc Baby | Gryphon | |
60 | Kobold Leader | Kobold Leader | Atroce | Atroce | Atroce |
Kobold Leader | Moonlight Flower | Moonlight Flower | Osiris | Moonlight Flower | |
63 | Wood Goblin | Jakk | Orc Baby | Hyegun | Wood Goblin |
Hyegun | Hyegun | Jakk | Mutant Dragon | Mastering | |
66 | Wood Goblin | Wood Goblin | Mastering | Orc Baby | Mutant Dragon |
Mutant Dragon | Mutant Dragon | Hyegun | Hyegun | Jakk | |
70 | Kobold Leader | Detarderous | Detarderous | Atroce | Atroce |
Doppelganger | Orc Lord | Detarderous | Orc Hero | Detarderous | |
73 | Hyegun | Jakk | Clock Tower Manager | Jakk | Clock |
Clock | Mutant Dragon | Wood Goblin | Hyegun | Rafflesia | |
Orc Baby | Owl Duke | Hyegun | Owl Duke | Rafflesia | |
76 | Chepet | Zherlthsh | Rafflesia | Mastering | Dark Illusion |
Mutant Dragon | Clock Tower Manager | Jakk | Hyegun | Mutant Dragon | |
Orc Baby | Mutant Dragon | Chepet | Jakk | Dark Illusion | |
80 | Detarderous | Kobold Leader | Time Holder | Dark Lord | Bloody Knight |
Orc Hero | Stormy Knight | Bloody Knight | Lord of Death | Orc Lord | |
83 | Chepet | Chepet | Rafflesia | Dark Illusion | Dark Illusion |
Clock | Clock Tower Manager | Fire Witch | Chepet | Fire Witch | |
Owl Duke | Mysteltainn | Flute Player | Zherlthsh | Rafflesia | |
86 | Alice | Alice | Alice | Clock Tower Manager | Zherlthsh |
Loli Ruri | Fire Witch | Mysteltainn | Flute Player | Loli Ruri | |
Chepet | Rafflesia | Clock Tower Manager | Alice | Clock Tower Manager | |
90 | Bloody Knight | Gloom | Detarderous | Bloody Murderer | Devine |
Eremes | Doppelganger | Firelord Kaho | Gloom | Detarderous | |
93 | Galion | Fallen Bishop | Clock Tower Manager | Mysteltainn | Mysteltainn |
Chepet | Chepet | Fallen Bishop | Chepet | Clock | |
Mysteltainn | Dark Illusion | Rafflesia | Fire Witch | Dark Illusion | |
Zherlthsh | Dark Illusion | Clock Tower Manager | Clock Tower Manager | Chepet | |
96 | Gazeti | Clock Tower Manager | Clock Tower Manager | Clock | Cenia |
Loli Ruri | Loli Ruri | Gazeti | Loli Ruri | Flute Player | |
Chepet | Owl Duke | Mysteltainn | Rafflesia | Chepet | |
Zherlthsh | Deje | Clock | Galion | Deje | |
100 | Ktullanux | Hill Wind | Time Holder | Hill Wind | Gloom |
Baphomet | Hill Wind | Eremes | Dark Lord | Lord of Death | |
Eremes | Spashire | Devine | Lord of Death | Garm |